Thursday, February 26, 2015

Valkyria Chronicles: See for yourself how Welkin perceives everything through the power of nature

So here I'll show off the various ways in which Welkin specifically has utilized Nature for some reason or another, be it for fun or as part of who he is, to gaining a tactical advantage, to delivering a gem of reason to his squad mates to bolster morale.

As you may already know, Welkin loves nature.


Sometimes it's incredibly distracting for him.

They also help him out when he's at a loss for words.  The unfortunate side effect of that is people not understanding what he's trying to say...


On the more serious side of things, though, his drive to understand nature is almost synonymous with his drives to understand and help people, and his sense of purpose in studying nature is so that he can apply the wisdom inherent to the wild to society and make the world a better place.


Sometimes, it even helps him directly in tactical scenarios.

Welkin uses nature as an analogue for what he feels he has to do for himself; he turns inward and outward, to nature and to what he believes in, to give himself and those around him strength, even in times of hardship.

Because truly, humans are nature as well.

Even when others are claimed as casualties...

But sometimes, when you lose, you gain; another aspect of Nature Welkin has accepted and applied to other things.  Not everything is bad.

And in this we can take comfort, and enjoy nature together; nature in the wild and human nature, living life to our full potential.

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