Thursday, February 26, 2015

A little poem I wrote :D

1. Haste's Fall

The windswept fell stood a silent vigil in the night
Windswept, amorphous, constantly kneeling before the elements, as a placid reminder of all that was nought
The fell was hungry, greedy, filthy; is hungry, greedy, filthy
Harboring decay and forgotten memories beneath the shifting sands
A vice-like grip, akin to lecherous hands
Proud, majestic entities, reduced to bones and dust
Crushed 'neath the weight of the sandy crust.

It wasn't always desolate, it wasn't always empty;
devoid of any life, or lush greenery
Lords of the above dwelled patiently atop the fell,
formerly a populous hill drenched in baubles, trinkets and precious treasures.
A people proud, a people intelligent, thought themselves wise, beyond arrogance;
Those of the hill were infallible
Exemplifying grace, serenity, and mastery of their environment, mastery over others, mastery of the self
Those of the hill were actualized
Flying through the skies, dwelling in the deep blue, tunneling through the ground, tearing the world 'part through and through
Those of the hill were thorough in their conquest

As they thought

It was their fault, really, their fault indeed
Their fault alone, for warnings gone unheeded
Signs of nature of it's turbulent course
Signs of calamitous changes to the world
Signs of malignant design of their own;
A steady betrayal of their own kind.
They fell into their hubris, they lost their lore, lost their ways and tumbled into humility
Those of the hill realized their fallibility
They fell out of grace, distorted peace, ignored the world around them and the changes wrought unto them, ignored the ruination of their own hearts
Those of the hill lost themselves
They fell right out of the sky, plummeted into the earth, drowned in the oceans, succumbed to the dirt
Those of the hill were conquered by themselves

Their folly was saddening, resounded through the valley
Air breathed by none anymore, the fell had it's fill, 'twas Haste's steady gaze, that brought nothing from nothing
It consumed their dreams, it consumed their goals
It consumed what defined them, that which they chose
It consumed their nourishment of body, mind, spirit
It consumed them; in whole, without pause, without remorse still
Those of the hill raced the world, themselves, their ideals
Rushed to find the fabrications of thought
Spun on the hilltop, delusions of grandeur, delusions of safety, delusions of immortality
Entered Entropy, to cleanse their perception
Enter Entropy to sate the fell.

The world continues, it lasts yet still
A barren fell lies there in waiting, 'twas commonplace
It waits for what may rise
Lies agape for what may fall
All who lay claim to the fell, the fell claims them all
The fell in service, Entropy's thrall

The fell won, it overcame the haste
Haste to taste, haste that layed waste
A haste that bred hatred, sin, conflict
A haste that beared a clan, entities that thrived
Entities that died, because of sick pride, their sick ways, the corrupted dialogue held with that hill,
held by malignant few, to represent them all
To represent the many oblivious to all

They took but gave naught, they slaughtered but mourned naught
They went everywhere but arrived nowhere and overpowered misery with misery
Visitations of life in vestiges of death, left the hill a fell
A fell quickly occupied, quickly abandoned
It contributed everything for nothing, and now nothing for everything, the last reminder of that time
that time of the hill, that time of growth
It hastened the birth of an age,
brought it to a close, simply watching the lives of those now reposed,
reposed in the sands, bleached white husks of the past,
guilty of laying, slaying what fell
A fell barren, still, repository for brevity
Peerless, silent, vigilant in Twilight
Bearing Time's tears with stoic sobriety

The fell is not alone, though it sits in solitude
Others just like it abound, as do those unlike it in all ways
Other people live apart from the fell, in the valley and elsewhere
Haste befell those unwary while those who witnessed became privy to the failings of their neighbor
Neighbors, formerly housed on a now desolate hill, their mistakes and regret a tribute to a continued will
A will to make amends, a will to assert peace
A will to restore life to the lifeless, live, and let live
Those of the hill made a lasting impression;
Onlookers learned, in passing and through thought
A fell unfallen is the fell of aspiration

A fell unfallen, where Haste shall fall.

*Note: A fell is another way to refer to a hill

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